How did you react when you were first heard about the new drama?
Kyoko Fukada
I had never heard of the term ‘Corporative House,’ so I did some research on it after being offered the part. I’m still currently trying to find out what kind of system is ‘corporative housing,’ whilst going through the script. I think that there is a strong sense of transparency within the system, even if you’re just simply living life as usual. It might sometimes make you feel at ease, knowing that there are nice people around you. Within this kind of environment, I’m thinking about how we should face up to some of the problems that our character roles will experience, and also being conscious about some of the challenges which lie ahead. Even though I’m still fumbling my way through.
Kenichi Matsuyama
In the drama, there are many couples living inside the ‘corporative house.’ Like a married couple trying to conceive a baby, or a married couple with children, but has sensitive issues within the family. Most of the problems that each of the families are dealing with, can relate to others, as they are ones which may affect all of us in one way or another. As the story is very much reality based, we hope that all the staff and cast members involved in this can work together to make a great drama which expresses all of this. This comparison to reality is of course very important, but at the same time, I hope that this drama will also portray these areas in a new way too. I think that there will also be some viewers who may be experiencing similar kind of problems like the characters in the story. I hope that we’ll be able to express ourselves, in a way that will support these kinds of people in different ways. Above all, influence them positively.
How are you guys planning on playing out your given roles?
Kyoko Fukada
The character I play, Nana Igarashi, is a very strong character who skillfully manages to reverse negative moments of her life into positive ones. She manages to read how people are feeling and acts accordingly. It will be very interesting to see how a kind of character, such as this girl, deals with issues and problems she has never had to deal with. I often tend to get despondent about things and get influenced very easily. But, I think that Nana is a fabulous woman who makes an effort to think in a positive direction.
Kenichi Matsuyama
I’m not saying he’s that much of a strong character in any way, but he never lacks his affection for Nana, and he’s always very thoughtful about how he could make her happy. For example, after all, even when you get married, your attention might eventually come back to yourself. It’s not good to become someone who begins to lose sight of those closest to them. I think that the affection of one another is very important. As when Nana is feeling down about not being able to conceive a child, how Daiki comforts her is very important.
What is the ideal partnership and also marital relationship for you guys?
Kyoko Fukada
When I was reading the script, I thought that how one faces up to the idea of conceiving a child can be very tricky. There might even be some disparities in attitudes between men and women. The most important factor, is judging how couples overcome the most difficult problems and issues, whilst carefully thinking about others and being mindful of one another in these instances.
Kenichi Matsuyama
As long as a couple have vowed to be with each other, I believe that it is also a promise to work hard for one another. So, I think that communication between a married couple is so important. I’ve been thinking this a lot lately, but, I’m an actor who is playing a character called Daiki, but this will all end in just 3 or 4 months. But, I think that the role of a father and a husband is something that should take a lifetime to brush up. So, I think that even after playing the role of Daiki, the process of character building shouldn’t end there.
Apart from trying to conceive a child, how do you think that married couples should try to deal with other issues and problems which may arise?
Kyoko Fukada
I think it depends on how couples are able to spend the time they have with one another in their free time, without trying too hard. For example, it is essential in a role such as this one, to face up to one another in a nice way, even in situations when one is unable to handle something. This means completely understanding one another from many angles, without simply being a nice person for a particular situation. Although, this is just my own thought. When one’s gesture of trying to be nice for the other seems obvious or deliberate, then this might seem condescending. These areas easily become apparent in situations when one’s not aware about it right? Well, I guess I might be thinking a little too much. This is just a world of my own imagination (lol).
Kenichi Matsuyama
I really understand what Kyoko is saying here. For example, when Nana is feeling down, Daiki will try to comfort her, and when it’s the other way around, it is also the same. Depending on the situation, whichever role we’re in, the most important thing is to be there for one another at the hardest times. It wouldn’t be good, if both of us become despondent at the same time, or if one of us tries too hard. It might not work out well, as one will lose sight of what’s around them. So, I think that the emotional balance between a couple at the hardest times, will grow naturally as the relationship evolves.
Lastly, what are some of the challenges based on the drama’s theme of trying to conceive a child?
Kyoko Fukada
I think that there are lots of challenges. In situations such as this, I’m always thinking about in what way I should express myself in various situations. And, as I’m someone of a similar age with the characters, it’s a chance for me to stop and think. But, the more I think about it, the more difficult it gets. Or, we can’t just simply say, ‘good luck’ or ‘we are rooting for you!’ In the story, various ways of thoughts and options are depicted. So, I hope that the story will support the viewers who may be experiencing similar issues, in some way or another. Though, I hope that I would be able to express myself through my acting without getting too sensitive about it all.
Kenichi Matsuyama
I’m a father myself, so my current status is different to that of Daiki and Nana. So, I feel that if I play the role of Daiki with this kind of mindset, then it might not go so well. I now know that the process of conceiving a child comes with various challenges. In the drama, the residents living in the corporative house, carries many issues and anxieties. However, on the other hand, I also feel that each of the families are happy in some way or another. So, I hope that I can play my character in a way which expresses the idea of happiness in many different styles.