It’s All About the Looks

Aired on Thursdays from 10:00 to 10:54 p.m. Starting from April 13th

It’s All About the Looks

Totally immersed in research, Jun Jonouchi (Mirei Kiritani) has been turning her back on “beauty” and “femininity.”
Realizing that she may be a "imitation girl" who gives up all that sort of thing, she starts to investigate the latest fashion trends and beauty tips with her colleagues, Mitsuko Maeda (Asami Mizukawa) and Seira Sato (Blouson Chiemi.)

Spring breeze makes people to start something new and this romantic comedy perfectly fits such a season.
Find out how "imitation girls" with only science background strive in self-exploration and boost their femininity!


Mirei Kiritani
Asami Mizukawa
Blouson Chiemi
Ryo Narita
Keita Machida

Kosuke Suzuki
Shigeru Muroi
